Nowadays being vegetarian or vegan has become very popular among certain groups of people. There are two main motives for this, improving health and/or being more environmentally and animal friendly.
We believe that in some way they come together. If the decision of stopping or reducing consumption of animal products was taken to help the environment, it’s also good for you and your family to choose the best options for a healthy life.
No need to get ill before being forced to change!
The quality of food today is one of the main health problems around the world, considering many vegan options not necessarily healthy.
Local, seasonal, and plant based are more sustainable options and most likely to be good for you too.
It’s very important to keep in mind that nutrition per se can’t restore health. Being healthy is the combination of exercise, meditation, time outdoors, an enjoyable life with good company, fresh air, positive mind and healthy food.
Luckily, there is a lot of information available about this way of life. But often there is too much on the internet and the theories and diets can contradict each other, making it very confusing for the readers, and may stop us from making any real change.
How to begin this journey…
It’s important for every human being to follow their instincts, re-connect with their body and feel what is best for themselves at every moment, making slow changes trying to incorporate each one before adding another.
We need to follow whatever makes sense to us and makes us feel better at every level.
Being aware and paying attention about how we feel with the new change, allowing ourselves to try another option if something stops feeling good.
Nothing too drastic, too extreme or too rigid may feel good over long periods of time.
In our experience being gentle with oneself, seeing if your choice is good for you and the environment in the long run and talking with professionals is the best place to start.
Speaking of Environment…
It is well known that abusive animal farming, mass fishing and extensive monoculture of stap
le crops are, among others, the main issues causing problems to our planet. These mainly exist because there is a large demand for cheap products.
Almost half of all crops in the world are grown to feed the animals and to produce fuel. We are not claiming that the reduction of animal consumption is the only solution. We just want to bring more awareness on the subject, and propose options and tools to make the transition easier, towards reducing meat, poultry, fish and dairy consumption, and at the same time maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Humans have depended on animal products for a long time, so we cannot say that animal products are bad just because we don’t like the idea of eating them. The issue is that the way animals are raised for consumption in big cities nowadays has nothing to do with how things were done before.
The animal “factories” are over-populated, where the animals get pumped with hormones to grow faster and antibiotics to prevent sickness, they are fed with low quality foods that are not their original diet, plus they live in fear and sadness.
There are cultures that depend on meat to survive, either they have to go fishing, hunting or raise animals. But these people have lived like this for hundreds of years, and are a minority.
In Troo Living we will share information that may help you find a way for a transition to a whole foods based diet, offering you simple and healthy recipes, and linking the information that is available out there on the subjects of personal health and sustainability.
As within, so without...
We don’t pretend to convert anybody, we just want to present another option that is easily available.
We think we are a reflection of our world, if we see something wrong out there, it is surely present inside us too. The world is contaminated and polluted, so what is happening to us and our bodies if we are living in this world?
We grow our food using poisons that deplete the soil, and the same is happening to us and our own internal environment, our microbiome. Any change we make to our surrounding will have an effect inside us and whatever we change in us will have an effect on our environment.
Every little step we make is going to move us further in the direction we have chosen, this can either take us closer to health or further away from it. Which one will we choose?