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Troo Living
Home: Welcome

Impulsa tu vida, alcanza una salud continua y aprende nuevas formas de mejorar tus alimentos y aumentar tu propio potencial.

"I had the pleasure of working with Dafne for seven years in my retreat center in Mexico. She was head of the kitchen, an alchemist and a very resourceful, ecological chef. She dove right into the Mexican culinary culture and upgraded the recipes to make them not only more delicious but healthier.
Her administration skills also allowed the kitchen to flow in a very harmonious and joyous manner. She also brought a lot of innovative recipes which made our retreats to be filled with surprises and variety. Overall her warmhearted personality simply comes through her food."
Alexandra Ruiz, Chalananda Retreat Center, Mexico
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Nuestra Filosofía


TROO Living se trata de encontrar distintas maneras de vivir alcanzando nuestro máximo potencial. Cómo vivir una vida plena y saludable, disfrutando de nosotros mismos, comiendo los alimentos  más saludables que podamos obtener, incrementando su poder nutricional con diferentes métodos, y preparándolos de forma que sean irresistibles al paladar. 

Creemos que la salud es un proceso continuo, una manera de vida, y que si la construimos despacio y de manera firme, puede perdurar.

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